mind the sexy curves

We live in a post-World.

No, this has nothing to do with the postal service.

Because in this brave new world, that will soon be redundant, it would be more apt to say that something hasn’t really happened until you Instagram it, snap it or post it to Facebook.

Yes beautifuls, if our World was previously defined and constituted by big brands, our post-World or after-World is busy surviving big brand destruction. We are finding new ways to regenerate our image and our trends.

With intersectional identities, we have deconstructed the societal hierarchies that previously sought to define and confine our many selves. Subject–object relational patterning’s are increasingly blurred. New heights of interconnectivity break through barriers. That which is ‘other’ becomes that which is ‘self’. Previously marginalized identities are incorporated with fervor. Past models of identity control and surveillance are turned on their heads. Being seen at your most vulnerable is used as a means of connectivity, making the world both smaller and more vast with opportunity.

In this post-World, a World that has survived so many real wars and catastrophes of so many kinds, and continues to do so, what is it that drives our new hybrid population? In an interconnected multiverse, with so much at our fingertips, status has undergone a shift. It is less about what you have and more about how you position yourself as a consumer. It’s a quest to have what is more ethical, pure, innovative, connected, than the masses, without having to go on a quest.

Tasteful living is the ultimate, but there’s a catch, or five.

The road to luxury living just got, well, curvy, but in a sexy kinda way.

1.Trending #conscience – helpful is hip

It’s cool to buy edgy luxury skincare and lifestyle products that care about more than just the bottom line. The message is: spend less, support local brands that are making a difference by respecting our planet, creating awareness and engaging in positive change through various social causes.

Our pick is the Oolala Collection – an affordable luxury skincare range that is all about beauty with brains and a heart. We are passionate about beauty without cruelty and set out to create an innovative range of skin and body care products that DO NOT test on animals. We believe in finding purpose, self-love, encouraging open conversations and creating positive change. Our ethics drive our recommendations, not our bottom line.

PLUS, in order to show we care, we have created clean cutting-edge products that focus on preserving and protecting the environment. We have done this by eliminating the use of boxes and making all our products recyclable. The high-quality formulations of our ingredients are the core focus. The Oolala Collection Club is Eco-friendly, and strive to make small efforts that show respect to the planet, the importance of sustainability and minimizing their carbon footprint.

2. Core Issues – a self-fulfilling prophecy

Post-World warriors are getting to grips with themselves. We’ve seen what previous generations have done to the world. We’ve got fluid identities to offer pragmatic solutions to our own and others’ problems. It’s about doing what we can with what we have, where we are, quintessentially. Self-expansion, and a movement inwards at the same time are key drivers.

It’s about getting to know ourselves, and also letting go of trying to define ‘me’. It’s about moving beyond self-actualization to next-level life experiences that are soul expanding.

The Oolala Collection understands this.

It’s priced so that you can experiment without the commitment, while still enjoying all the luxury you’re looking for throughout your meanderings of self.

3. Easy extravagance – on demand

We want next level luxury – we want beauty on demand. Not just functionality on demand. (Think beyond taxis from your smartphone – we’re talking fashion shows that you can shop from your smartphone.) We want extravagance with easy access and affordability with delivery direct to our doorstep.

Enter Oolala!

You can splash it on, without splashing out! Enough said.

4. All inclusive – bye bye determinism

The who, how, where, and when of consumerism just got real. Intersectional, co-created identities mean the marginalized are finding a new embrace. Shifting demographics and liberated lifestyles mean service providers need to rethink how they position themselves to be on the pulse.

It’s beyond being edgy.

Live on the brink of the unknown!

Oolala understands these new customer expectations and has positioned itself as a high-end brand that remains accessible and adaptable to all narratives.

Tell your story, your way!

5. Unexpectedly indispensable – G-HI

Looking back through history, many of the greatest trends seem bizarre at first. They ultimately become bankable, and very mainstream, until you just Gotta Have It and Get Hi Off It.

It’s good to keep an eye out for the outspoken and the brave, because they are often the ones who become a way of life.

We don’t know about you, but this post-World is looking kinda funky, kinda sexy cool. We don’t just like it, we luuuurve it. If these trends are looked at from a bigger picture perspective, we see there is more of a human element. There is also a focus on improvement, both self and product. There is consciousness of the here and now and how fleeting it is. Plus, we want to have fun. We want to enjoy ourselves by growing a community of like-minded individuals who are not afraid to be brave and to stop accepting the status quo.

Visit www.oolalacollection.com and get ready to start shopping! We are so excited for you to experience this new Proudly South African brand.

P.S Come hang with us on Instagram for #OolalaCollectionClub tips, behind the scenes footage and the latest trends and blends!

PPS. Like the Oolala Collection Facebook page to find out more about the latest product launches and our super exciting viral video campaign #yaaasssss @TheOolalaCollectionClub

For all questions you can chat to our #oolalaBOT…your personal shopper;)

or email: info@oolalacollection.com

Join us!


Oolala for now!


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